
DRC offers expert and robust psychometric analysis and reporting to licensure and certification clients. Our in-house psychometric professionals will guide you through the design and implementation of all scaling, equating, reliability, and validation activities required to support high-quality, large-scale assessment programs.

As experts in licensure and certification assessment and educational measurement, our goal is to facilitate sound policymaking by providing complete, accurate, and unbiased information regarding the scientific and psychometric aspects of valid and reliable assessments. Together, we are ready to help licensure and certification professionals show their knowledge, skills, and abilities by passing a fair, reliable, and psychometrically sound exam.

Psychometric and Research Services

Content Design and Test Development Services

  • Item Analysis and Key Validation
  • Scaling, Linking, and Equating Analysis
  • Analysis of Written, Oral, Performance, Portfolio, and Longitudinal Assessments
    • Examination Analysis with Classical Test Theory and IRT, including Rasch and Many-facet Rasch Measurement
    • Production of Analysis Reports Compliant with NCCA and ICE Guidelines
  • Standard Setting, including Criterion-Referenced and Norm-Referenced Standards for Dichotomous and Polytomous Examinations
  • Production of Performance Reports for Candidates and Training Programs
  • Analysis of Surveys for Validation Studies
  • Psychometric Services Evaluation and Audit
  • Psychometric Forensics Analysis and Reporting
  • Modeling Services (survival analysis, etc.)